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    Monday, December 10, 2012

    Driving towards a new dawn

    It's December 10th, 2012.  It's been over a year since I last posted here.  Like many on this planet, I'm not the same person I was last year, last month or even last week.  The evolutionary pressures of the last 24 months have been absolutely relentless and ruthless in their intensity, in their ability to create circumstances to propel us into deep reflection, self-honesty, truth-seeking, letting go, and, ultimately, transformation.

    To borrow from the lexicon of the whitewater community, it's been like being "maytagged"in a big river hole for a good long while, churned around underwater, maybe being tossed up long enough to get a good gasp of air before being pulled back under for more churning...and finally being spit out, released from the firm grip of ma river only when she's convinced that you've done your work....and then feeling the unbearable lightness of being that accompanies the clear knowing of "holy shit, we have actually made it this far."

    So as we collectively move into the final days of the 4th World - 1,871,989 days down and 11 to go - let's not forget that we are bearing witness to the end of an epic 5000-plus year cycle and the dawning of the 5th world on December 21st.  Our 4th world lessons revolved around greed, power, duality, control, domination, fear, patriarchy and mental understanding of our emotional life.  Feeling ready to graduate?  Sure hope so.  

    This is a great time for slowing down, celebrating the incredible journey we've been on for so many lifetimes and our pending arrival at this cosmic juncture, doing any final housecleaning to sweep old karmic patterns and attachments out the door once and for all, bringing ho-oponopono to any relationships where things still feels unfinished and out of harmony, and opening ourselves to receive and anchor the incredibly strong energies of light and love that are here to facilitate our movement through the time/space portals of December 21, 2012 into the dawn of a new grand cycle of time.

    Feeling lucky to be alive right now?  You bet.  Words cannot render the awe and gratitude that beats in my heart right now.  Not much beats being present within the magnificent splendour of a sunrise...especially the one that's coming our way very soon.