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    Sunday, April 24, 2011

    Living a Chaordic Life

    Last year I was introduced to the idea that life exists and is most appropriately lived at a "sweet spot" that sits at the intersection of order and chaos.  Too much order is stifling, and too much chaos is destructive.   Walking the chaordic path means being true to this "sweet spot".

    This raises interesting questions for a society that is pretty darn focused on creating security, control, and predictability.  If one applies the principle that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, this "over-focus" on order would then seem to invite a counter-balancing effect from an equivalent amount of chaos.  This would seem to be somewhere near the heart of our constant dance with duality.


    But if we were actually able to zone in on the sweet spot where order and chaos intersect, choosing a more middling approach - or chaordic path - where we can let go of some of our dearly loved control and embrace our creativity and inherent ability to navigate chaos, we might actually find ourselves in a rich stream of livingness that we never before imagined possible...where we "flow" with chaos as a creative force instead of being sideswiped by it as an apparent destructive force that comes at us out of the blue.

    As someone who is consciously experimenting with this perspective and way of being - which requires a fair bit of courage in terms of letting go of one's conditioned desire for control and making the leap to trusting that the universe is indeed a benevolent one - the initial results are cause for optimism!  As I let go of control, I can literally feel the rush of creative energy around me - all of a sudden life has become rife with possibility, like a fruit tree laden with spring blossoms that promises a bountiful harvest.  It takes courage to jump into this expansive place of "not-knowing"...yet now that I'm here, it's a place I'd like to stay and explore for a while!

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