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    Monday, March 28, 2011

    Changing Perspectives and Changing Stories

    A wise teacher of mine once asserted that transformation happens in an instant as opposed to being a long drawn out process.  His point was that the moment we reach a critical and genuine new viewing point or perspective on ourselves or the world around us, it's like a switch goes off that sets in motion a cascading set of changes: changes to values and beliefs, changes to self-concepts, changes to goals and priorities, changes to behaviours, and perhaps most importantly, changes to the core story of who we are and why we are here.

    Some of these things taking longer than others to realize fully, and perhaps the most juicy and fun cascading effect is the moment that we see a brand new shiny storyline and sense of identity flowing through our life and realize, in a flash, there's no turning back, there's only moving forward to live and embrace that really yummy and powerful new story.  I think the most exciting part is knowing that it is a story that is being written moment to moment, with every thought, action, dream, deed, emotion and interaction guiding and attracting the next.  It is continually defined and refined by the questions of "who are you, who are you becoming, and how are you "seizing opportunities" to expand your sense of self in practical, physical ways to ground this new storyline and sense of identity?"

    It is a wonderful and magical period of awakening to new possibilities and embracing all the things that life has to offer which are attractive to you.  As I sit inside of this gleaming new energy, I am both humbled and energized.  There is nothing quite like meeting the awakened story teller inside!

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