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    Tuesday, March 8, 2011

    Reflections on "Wellness"

    This posting actually has its roots back in June 2010 when I was attending an Art of Hosting workshop in Edmonton (see www.artofhosting.com).  Focused as it was on the art of hosting powerful and transformative conversations and interactions between people, this was, hands-down, one of the best and most soul-nourishing skills training workshops I have ever attended.

    Near the end of the workshop, after being given some solo time to walk and be in nature, I found myself sitting quietly in the big gathering room, waiting for all of the other students to return, and contemplating the meaning of "well" and "wellness".  

    All of a sudden it struck me like a lightning bolt: to be "well" is like being a well, as in a real well from which we draw sweet and life-giving water from the earth below our feet.  A well is protected inside of the earth, just as our own wellness emanates from deep in our core.  When we are really "well", we are calm, tranquil, know the tremendous depth of who we are and that the earth will always be able replenish the waters in our well as long as we don't draw them out too quickly or in too much volume.

    I have been doing some meditations where I visualize a beautiful well with pure golden water deep inside of me, and then imagine myself deep inside of that well.  The feeling of peace and a very centred kind of fluidity that comes with that meditation is a welcome salve to what seems at times to be an over-heated outer world that is constantly racing and grasping at top speed for one thing or another.

    Be sure to try it out for yourself!

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