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    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    Putting the Knives in the Drawer

    The Law of Attraction first danced across my scape back in 2006 when my big sister introduced me to "The Secret".  I'm not ashamed to say that by half way into the movie I was struggling to stay awake, feeling somewhat unsettled by some of the things it was saying and presenting.  Suffice to say it was not "attracting" me at the time.

    Fast forward to the beginning of 2011 and another conversation with my sister that touched on the laws of attraction and manifesting prosperity.  Having reached a crux point in my own life in terms of health and wealth, it was clear that my current matrix of beliefs and patterns were not producing the results I was looking for, so I was definitely open to something new.  I decided to purchase the Laws of Attraction and Money, the Vortex, and the Power as audiobooks, and soon found myself listening - intently and deeply - to what they had to say.  The "a'ha's" came pouring forth, and I soon found myself leaping onto a whole new trapeze of viewing and playing.

    One of the biggest "a'ha's" was around cleaning up any patterns of negative thinking, self-importance, judging others or myself.  This "house-cleaning" is what I now teasingly refer to as "putting my knives back into the drawer, where they will stay unless absolutely required."  The foundational premise for doing this is that "like attracts like", so if I am unconsciously entertaining myself (or just filling the blank spaces) with any kind of negative or unproductive inner dialogue, I am very likely attracting that kind of energy into my life on some level.  No thanks, I say, no more straying unconsciously into mental realms of cutting and paring, as this serves no one, least of all myself.

    Consequently I have become aware of just how quickly "cutting" thoughts can fly across my radar, originating from a highly patterned source (after all, I have been practicing for many, many years).  As a result I am now developing some skill in catching these volleys in mid-flight - at times diving for them, and other times leaping high into the air - and am taking the time to crack them open to scoop the gold inside.

    As an example, an old acquaintance recently surfaced in my life, someone who has, in the past, caused me a fair amount of irritation.  When his name flashed across my computer screen, my first instinct was to recoil and think "oh no, NOT him again!"  Then I got out my catcher's mitt, grabbed the volley, and with the help of a good friend took some time to sit with the question of "why does this individual irritate me so much?".  In a matter of minutes we were able to laser in on this turnaround phrase, which put me in a place of gratitude instead of irritation: "thank you for the gift of mirroring my own tendency to self importance".

    My friend and I had a good laugh about it, and I now know that this individual will no longer trigger any sense of irritation in me - indeed, on some level he has been teaching me something all along, albeit it wasn't penetrating.  Now I know that it took me putting my knives into the drawer to be able to receive and understand what that was.

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